In-Person Therapy in Hazlet, NJ

We are here to help connect you to the therapist who best fits your needs. Our billing team will verify your insurance benefits while you complete your intake paperwork. Upon completion, we will contact you to schedule your appointment and will be happy to help you in any way we can.  We are here to assist you and we will strive to provide you with the best and most compassionate care available.  We know you are going to be in great hands with our clinical team.

Areas We Serve

Village Court Office

22 Village Court
Hazlet, NJ 07730

Since there are two locations in Hazlet, be sure to enter the address into Google Maps and not just “Inner Clarity”

a map of a city

Bethany Commons

1 Bethany Road, Building 5, Suite 60
Hazlet, NJ 07730

Since there are two locations in Hazlet, be sure to enter the address into Google Maps and not just “Inner Clarity”

a map of a city

Therapists in Hazlet, NJ

Christina McDermott
Destiny Sharack
Nicole Owenburg

Photos of Our Offices

inner clarity waiting area
inner clarity office
inner clarity office
inner clarity office
A man and woman sitting in chairs
inner clarity office
inner clarity office
inner clarity office